HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER! Tyler turned 2 on 8/20/08. We had a small family party at our house for him. It was Backyardigans themed because Tyler loves that show, and when asked he said he wanted a Pablo party. We were lucky to have Brandon's parents there as well as my whole family to celebrate with him! He had a great time opening presents and eating cake. I can't believe he is 2 already. Time sure does fly!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Tyler
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4:00 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Brotherly Love
Tyler is starting to warm up to his baby brother. The other day we were in the car and Gavin started crying. Tyler said, "It's okay baby", and even helped put his pacifier back in his mouth. He has even attempted holding him once or twice. Were very excited about his growing interest, and can't wait to watch them grow up as friends (hopefully!).
Posted by
1:59 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
New arrival!
Gavin Robert Hardy
8 pounds 3 ounces
20 1/2 inches
6:06 pm
Well the waiting is over. Many of you have received texts and emails with pics already, but here are a few more recent ones and the whole story of his birthday. I was induced on Monday 8/11/08 at around 9:00 am, things went smoothly, and after a great epidural and 1 1/2 hours of pushing baby boy Hardy (name was decided later)arrived. He did have to have some assistance from the doctor and the vacuum, which is why his head was pretty swollen and a little lopsided.
For anyone who heard about my last birthing experience, I'm happy to say this one was 100 times better. I know now that Tyler's birth was as close to natural as one could be with an "epidural". I was worried that maybe epidurals only helped with contractions and none of the rest of the labor and pushing process, but this time my delivery was practically pain free. Yeah!
It took us most of the night to decide on his name, and in the end Brandon won out (with a little negotiating on my part as far as future children's names go) and we decided on Gavin. His middle name was never a question, so that part was easy.
Now that he is here, it's been interesting trying to be a parent of 2 instead of focusing all my attention on one tiny infant. Tyler was not thrilled with the new baby, but he is slowly warming up. On the way to the hospital my sister asked him if he wanted to see mommy and daddy. He said yes. Then she asked if he wanted to see the baby. He said NO! He has spent a few nights with grandma and is always excited to see her. He is still not thrilled with mom and dad, and calls for help from any one passing by when Gavin is around.
P.S. Please excuse my fat puffy face. I'm sure the swelling will go down soon!
Posted by
5:47 PM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Ear Drama
I took Tyler to the pediatrician the other day for a re-check on his ear infection and received the dreaded news. Dr. Monzon told us that he wanted Tyler to see and ENT to decide if tubes needed to be put in his ears. This was his 4th ear infection (that we know of), and he has been on antibiotics for 3 weeks. The infection cleared up, but he still has clear fluid in his ears that could turn to infection anytime. As if I don't have enough with the baby coming, now this!
Poor guy! Like I said this is the 4th infection that we know of. He is such a little trooper; he never pulls at his ears to let me know they hurt.
1. Found @ well visit
2. Found during hospital stay for roto virus
3. Ear drum ruptured before I knew about it
4. This last visit was mothers intuition
He was only a little cranky and had a runny nose. I thought for sure I was being one of those crazy parents who goes to the doctor for every little cold. Lucky me I was right, and didn't have to feel like an idiot. But who wants to be right about something like this?
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9:03 AM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Pregnancy update
Well, I had my last doctors appointment today. Everything looks good, so I have been scheduled for induction on Monday morning @ 7:00 am. That is supposing I make it that long. I've been having contractions off and on today. Brandon really wants the baby to be born on Friday (08/08/08), and my doctor will be out of town Thur. and Fri, so chance are he will decide to make his debut on one of those days. If not, then Monday it is. Hallelujah then end is near!!
P.S. No pics allowed because I'm unrecognizable!
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5:24 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Slacker Alert!
So I have not been blogging in ages! To be frank I don't think my life is very entertaining, and since I've been pregnant, everything seems so boring and blah! Yikes, hormone alert!
Anyways since my last update here are a few things that have happened. Brandon went to the Masters in Augusta, Georgia over his birthday. For any of you who don't know, the Masters is a huge golf tournament. Oh and Brando turned 30! Exciting, I guess now he is officially an adult... maybe he should start acting like one! Ha ha just kidding. What fun would that be anyways. I on the other hand am still under the big 30 mark, so I can still be a kid for a couple more years.
Next... I got a new car. I will not tell you which kind, but I LOVE it! Everyone has hassled us enough about the purchase, so that's why I won't tell.
Ugh I'm still pregnant, and loving every one of the 50 pounds I put on since getting pregnant! Ha ha, another joke. Seriously though, I was really hoping this pregnancy would be different than the last, but so far not really. Okay I guess I have not been put on bed rest, and do not have near the swelling as before so that is great! I guess my body just loves to be FAT!
Now on to Tyler. He is still the cutest boy ever, and the light of my life! He is so cute when he points to my belly and says "baby". I'm just waiting for him to say it after the baby is born, then I might not think it's so cute! Aside from getting him to stop spitting out food and drinks when ever he pleases, he really is an angel. We have really only had one episode of true terrible toddler hood. In this case poop was involved, and it was not so pretty.
So that is out life right now. In a couple of weeks we hope to have so new baby boy pics and updates posted, so stay tuned!
Posted by
1:34 PM